Thursday, January 10, 2013

Help Wanted – Become a member of the Gadgeteer team!

helpwantedFor anyone out there who has always wanted to be part of The Gadgeteer, now is your chance. I’m wanting to add 1-2 people to our rag tag team of gadget freaks. I would really like these 2 new people to be female to help offset the huge amount of testosterone that we currently have on the team… But don’t let that stop you from applying if you don’t fit that criteria. :) Think you have what it takes to become a regular Gadgeteer contributor? Full details after the jump.

What’s expected:

You will be responsible for submitting a minimum of 2 unique and original news stories (not just a rehash of other gadget news site’s posts) every week. These stories consist of 1 image and 1-2 short paragraphs talking about new, useful, wacky and unique products that other people will want to read about. They don’t always have to be consumer electronics, they could be almost anything interesting.

New team members will start out posting news. If everything works out, after a certain period of time you’ll be invited to do product reviews in addition to regular news posts.


This is not a paying job and you will not receive any monetary compensation for any of your contributions. Your “pay” will be a boost in geek cred and review samples if you end up becoming a full member of the team.


1. You must be a gadget freak. But you don’t have to be overly techy, geeky or a hardcore hacker. I just want people who are always excited about new products and are constantly scouring the web and elsewhere for interesting products and tidbits.

2. Must be able to write decent English and have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of grammar. We don’t have time to re-write your posts, so this is a must.

3. Must have above average photography skills and have the ability to take sharp well lighted close ups of the products being reviewed.

4. If you’ve tried out for a position before and didn’t get picked, don’t let that stop you from trying again :)

How to apply:

Send me an email telling me about yourself, what types of products that most interest you and why you think you would be a great addition to my team. I’ll use this info to decide who I will ask to provide a sample news post and a sample review which will show me your writing and photography skills. I will then choose the best candidates to go through a trial period posting news. After that trial period ends, I’ll decide who will become permanent team members.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Filed in categories: News


Help Wanted – Become a member of the Gadgeteer team! originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on January 7, 2013 at 12:00 pm.


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